Provide state-of-the-art image capture, screen capture, video capture and audio capture software
Provides screen capture, video capture and audio capture software
ACA Capture Pro Online Help
ACA Capture Pro - Capture screen images, web pages, Flash, icon, menu from your Windows PC even those hard-to-grab DirectX, Direct3D games or video player, create videos of your computer screen.

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Install and Uninstall

ACA Capture Pro supports for Windows standard Install/Uninstall package.

  • Get ACA Capture Pro Installation Program
  • You can visit our website at or other download sites, download the newest version for ACA Capture Pro.

  • Installing ACA Capture Pro

    Before installing, see System Requirements.

    • Run the ACA Capture Pro installation program.
    • Follow the instructions on the installation wizard.
  • Uninstalling ACA Capture Pro
  • Click the [Start] button, select Program |ACA Systems| ACA Capture Pro | Uninstall ACA Capture Pro.

    Any files you've created and left in your ACA Capture Pro folder will remain behind, and in which case you will have to manually delete these.