Provide state-of-the-art image capture, screen capture, video capture and audio capture software
Provides screen capture, video capture and audio capture software
ACA Screen Recorder Online Help
ACA Screen Recorder - Records the actions from your Windows screen and saves it as a standard, easily edited, AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file

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Take your first recording

For the purposes of this introduction, we will be using ACA Screen Recorder's default values, and basic settings. Later, you will discover the flexibility and ease of use that ACA Screen Recorder's options offer you.

For best performance, set your color depth to 256 color mode.

  1. Start ACA Screen Recorder, click the Start button, select Program > ACASystems > ACA Screen Recorder. (ACA Screen Recorder is installed in the ACASystems > ACA Screen Recorder program group by default. It is stored elsewhere only if you specified another program group during installation.)
  2. Click File tab, and then enter a file name for your saved video:
  3. ACA Screen Recorder: Click File tab, and then enter a file name for your saved video

  4. Click Screen Area tab, check Select Region option, and enter the values that it's shown as following screenshot:
  5. ACA Screen Recorder: Click Screen Area tab, check Select Region option, and enter the values that it's shown as following screenshot

    Click on Start Rec button to start recording. The ACA Screen Recorder window will temporarily disappear to allow the capture. Move your cursor within the capture area and do something.

    ACA Screen Recorder: Click on Start Rec button to start recording. The ACA Screen Recorder window will temporarily disappear to allow the capture.

    Right click the icon of ACA Screen Recorder on the Windows Taskbar Notification Area, and then click Stop Recorder menu item.

    ACA Screen Recorder: Right click the icon of ACA Screen Recorder on the Windows Taskbar Notification Area, and then click Stop Recorder menu item

    Congratulations, you have just made your first movie! It's that simple. Now, click on Play in the ACA Screen Recorder dialog, to view your creation.

Next, take the a few minutes to browse this brief help file, the knowledge and tips you will gain will make it worth your small investment in time, enabling you to get the best results in the shortest time.